How to carry out conservative treatment of varicose veins of the legs?

Varicose veins of the lower extremities are deformations of the surface of blood vessels, which is associated with problems in the work of venous valves and impaired blood flow. This disease is the most common vascular pathology among people of working age.

Consider whether conservative treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities helps to solve the problem. But first, let's get acquainted with the clinical picture of pathology.

treatment of varicose veins in the legs

Symptoms of varicose veins

The main signs of varicose veins are the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • heavy leg syndrome, feeling of pain and swelling especially at the end of the day;
  • the presence of capillary stars and vascular network;
  • appearance of veins with altered hue;
  • bulging blood vessels above skin level.

It has been proven that the disease can develop for decades.

In order to avoid the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor and be examined when the first symptoms appear.

Causes of varicose veins

The reasons for the appearance of this problem on the veins are the following factors:

  • heredity in the form of a genetic predisposition to the disease;
  • excess weight;
  • wearing tight clothing or high-heeled shoes;
  • hormonal imbalance and other diseases;
  • improper diet or addiction;
  • damage in the form of trauma or inflammation in the body;
  • strong physical exertion on the legs during sports exercises or work process;
  • sedentary lifestyle or long sitting during the day;
  • large amounts of cholesterol deposits in the blood;
  • during pregnancy, when a woman rapidly gained weight.

Treatment of varicose veins: medical procedures

Today, many procedures are known that can be performed for varicose veins of the lower extremities. Each of them has its advantages, but they work best in combination with the use of drugs. The doctor should make the final choice in one direction or another, only in that case complications and serious consequences can be avoided.

Treatment is carried out using the following popular and at the same time effective procedures:

  • Wrapping. Useful and pleasant vein treatment that is equally effective at home and in the salon. You can buy all the necessary components in pharmacies. In addition to relaxing, wrapping improves well-being and relieves weight in the lower extremities;
  • Varicose vein baths - remove the load from the legs, strengthen blood vessels, relieve swelling and relieve redness. Such treatment of the disease is carried out with the addition of medicinal herbs. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. The results will be visible only with daily use;
  • Varicose vein physiotherapy is an effective addition to the general program of therapeutic measures. The procedures are painless and cheap, but can only be performed in medical institutions. During the treatment, the venous wall is strengthened, and the work of the valves is significantly improved;
  • The lower limbs are massaged only with the permission of a phlebologist. The procedure relieves fatigue, normalizes blood circulation and removes the main signs of the disease. The duration of the massage for this disease is 10 minutes.

Conservative treatment of varicose veins: compression therapy

Compression treatment is used not only to fight varicose veins, but also to prevent thrombosis and to remove nodules. This preventive measure is effective for all problems with veins, because there is the creation of point pressure on the legs. As a result, it partially adjusts valve operation and speeds up blood flow. The advantage is the application of such treatment in later stages, when complications are possible. It is important that you do not stop wearing socks even after the end of treatment so that the symptoms do not return in the future.

Compression socks - you can buy such clothes in any medical store, where an expert will help you choose the right size. Compression garments vary in length and strength. On average, such socks are worn for 6 months, after which they stretch and cease to fulfill their functions. Treatment of the disease requires constant wearing of socks during the day.

Compression bandages - have healing properties on the disease after proper application, this can only be done by experts.

Bandages should fit well, should not slip while moving and should not create discomfort. The advantages of bandages are the following indicators: compression with their help is more effective, application to veins does not require any effort, as the doctor does, they can be worn constantly without removing, for a week, optimally fit the legs, with volume reduction, lower limbs retract. . .

The disadvantage is not aesthetics, you have to go to the hospital to report.

Prevention of varicose veins

Knowing the reasons that lead to the appearance of the disease, it is important to adhere to some rules that will help maintain the health of the veins for a long time.

Consider what you need to do to prevent varicose veins:

  • Daily physical activity. You don’t have to go to the gym, you just need to climb stairs instead of using the elevator, or take a walk instead of driving. On weekends you can go cycling. Swimming will have a good effect on blood vessels and correct weight;
  • In sedentary work, you need to adjust the periods of activity and rest. To facilitate the outflow of blood in the veins, it is recommended to place your feet on a nearby chair. Move about once an hour for 3 minutes. Good results are shown by inconspicuous gymnastics, which can be performed in a sitting position. Elementary exercises are heel-to-toe or circular foot movements;
  • Stick to a proper diet, give up snacks, sandwiches and fatty foods. Strengthen blood vessels by eating foods rich in vitamin C and routine. It is mandatory to consume at least 1. 5 liters per day. clean water;
  • Uncomfortable shoes or tight clothing should become taboo during disease prevention. Walking in high heels or platform shoes should be rare. For everyday movement, the height of the heel should not exceed 4 cm. ;
  • In case of heredity, it is recommended to conduct annual drug prevention courses, this should be done even before the onset of venous insufficiency;
  • To prevent varicose veins during pregnancy, it is recommended to wear special compression stockings or socks. It is recommended to wear such underwear for 2 months. pregnancy. If necessary, you can continue to wear it after the birth of a child;
  • It is better to give up bad habits, ie smoking or frequent consumption of alcohol. In the first case there is a blockage of blood vessels, and in the second to their sharp dilation and narrowing. All this causes disease;
  • Contrast showering is recommended for normal venous function. This will keep the veins in good condition.

As you can see, the prevention of varicose veins of the lower extremities is easy to report. It is important that all these activities become a daily habit, only in that case it will be possible to maintain health for a long time.