How and what methods to treat varicose veins

On the treatment of varicose veins you are thinking, when the disease is already available. Information about the prevention before you came, but you didn't consider it unnecessary, therefore, in attention are not accepted. But now that the shins have arisen venous patterns have been interested in closely. And somehow unconvincing, all that is offered by Intrusive Internet advertising and other media. Because of their age and particular life experience you do not trust the creams and ointments that promise to rid you of varicose veins quickly and painlessly. And perhaps the distrust has no place, and the experience of a failed course, the miracle treatment for my back. It would not have been the problem and it needs to be addressed. And to do it properly.

We dared to take on the role of the facilitators, to tell you in detail what varicose veins are there and what kind of treatment each one requires. We will be based on extensive practical experience phlebologists, who have successfully rid of varicose veins many patients. And do it using the advanced achievements of world medicine.

What you need to know about treatment of varicose veins?

what methods to treat varicose veins

International classification of varicose veins (CEAR) helps physicians to understand the pathology in great detail. It takes into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics, considering the level of health of the patient, the type and degree of complications. The classification is quite extensive, to understand it takes a long time, but let this work will take a professional phlebologists. We propose to consider the varices on the principle - from simple to complex. That is, from the beginning stages to go in advanced cases, and find out which treatment and when appropriate.

Varices initial

First encounter with varicose veins is not necessarily representative. Onset of the disease is characterized by fuzzy the first symptoms, you are easily mistaken for fatigue. Modest ailment. Whining in the evening, the legs are a little swollen sometimes sore after long movement - so what? Relax, do the tub, the cream for tired feet use. You look a lot better. And you forget about the discomfort, continue their ordinary life, wear your favorite heels and trousers.

After a time the symptoms come back, increase swelling, feet become ugly, pastose until the evening. Studs don't want to wear you start to get tired quickly from walking even in comfortable shoes.

That is when such symptoms should first visit a doctor! You have primary varicose veins, which can be successfully treated without surgery.

You will object, why are such trifles to go to the doctor! After all, you can try folk remedies to prepare home-made ointments, herbs to drink. Such opinion, the main mistake of the patients with initial stages of varicose veins.

Remember - even cure of primary varicose veins at home is impossible. He's still going to come back and develop further.

And slowly touches the first surface, and after the deep vessels. But it is not always the initial stage of varicose veins are asymptomatic. Patients often notice telangiectasias on the skin and reticular varicose veins, but do not take it into account. And this despite the fact that phlebologists are well aware of how easy it is to cope with the initial manifestations of varicose veins. Even without the surgery.

The second level launched: everything is visible

the second stage of varicose veins

This is a situation where the truth is not going anywhere. And feet hurt and are swelling, and superficial veins is already broken. Venous valve apparatus does not work - the veins are protesting. Expanding, twisting, bulging. Walking becomes difficult. And appear in your memories of the phrase, but before! That is, when it is easy on the heel could catch the bus and buy only stylish narrow shoes. And now look dull stretches to Slippers and warm socks.

In this stage, treat varicose veins is not something that is desirable and very necessary. And only the professionals if you want to CURE him. If you act independently, from a third final stage will not go.

Third degree - ulcers: to explain later

Amazed by the superficial and deep veins. There are visible complications - ulcers, swelling, dark spots. Venous insufficiency and thrombophlebitis are also in a hurry to meet. Its mobility is impaired. About the aesthetic aspect you don't think - not important. Life becomes a struggle with pain and discomfort.

Here the doctor is inevitable. And to make it effective, you need to choose the right doctor. Your option medicus - phlebologist. And no one else.

The sex - varicose veins in women and men

Varicose veins - pathology predominantly female. And not just the fault of narrow shoes it develops. Hormonal changes in women are not a once in a lifetime, and veins very sensitively react to it.

Varicose veins in men is also common. Especially those who are low or on the contrary works very hard physically.

Treatment of varicose veins in men is not fundamentally different from treatment of the disease in women. But a female version often provides additional drug therapy. The treatment of male varicose veins requires more stringent changes in the regime.

The prerequisite to successful treatment of varicose veins in men and in women accurate diagnosis.

What can phlebologists

Know how very much. To treat varicose veins conservatively, calling for help, compression therapy and physical therapy, perform simple and complex surgeries. You can watch a video on minimally invasive manipulations on the veins of classic and new. This preview will help you to understand that using one puncture needle, the physician can spare you from the boring blue nodes on the shins, and at the same time from all the painful symptoms!

A little bit about traditional methods of treatment

Is the treatment of varicose veins at home is too Intrusive. And implausible. You can review photos before and after. You can try any folk remedies of a type of wormwood, Golden mustache, propolis and others. But you need to clearly understand that if your pathology is categorized as the classic varicose veins, to treat it should be professionals. And preferably in the early stages. Then success is guaranteed.