Effective methods of getting rid of blue veins in the legs

Varicose veins – one of the most frequent vascular diseases in the legs. This pathology is triggered by other diseases such as diabetes, and way of life. What to do to remedy the situation and how to get rid of leg veins?

varicose veins on the legs

How to get rid of varicose veins

Varicose veins are emerges above the turgor of the skin blue serpentine vessels affected by the disease. To disguise them is almost impossible, and so here the only solution is treatment. Treatment can be done in several ways:

  • Conservative medical;
  • Surgical;
  • Diet and lifestyle changes;
  • Folk remedies.

These approaches can be used in combination or separately, but the preference is better to give the full treatment. Consider separately how to get rid of blue veins in the legs.

The lifestyle change

It is no secret that varicose veins most often causes unhealthy lifestyle. In particular, its development is influenced by a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle. Depending on the stage of the disease are assigned different activity type. Here is a sample checklist for each stage of the disease:

  1. Any classes in addition to intense running, weightlifting, jumping with a parachute.
  2. Any classes other than those listed above, as well as tap dance (dance), Jogging and aerobics.
  3. You can walk, playing on the elliptical trainer, qigong, yoga, stretching — stretching, Aqua aerobics and swimming classes.
  4. Stretching and yoga from a prone position. Yoga is better to use the inverted asanas.
  5. Only physiotherapy.

This approach allows to choose the load according to their capabilities and health condition, and therefore easily possible to remove the pathology with regular and adequate exercise. It should be noted that intensive training lead to the deterioration of the patient.

Starting from the third stage are required to wear compressive underwear. We also should not forget about the use of appropriate athletic uniforms, which will increase the effectiveness of workouts and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum. Get to load properly and your body will gratefully respond to such treatment.

Creams and ointments

cream varicose veins

Also apply creams and ointments that help strengthen blood vessel walls, increase their elasticity, reduce inflammation and reduce blood clotting. In particular, you can use the following categories of drugs:

  • Drugs, anticoagulants.
  • Phlebotonics and angioprotectors.
  • Corticosteroids (hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • NPRC-ointment and cream.
  • Antibiotics.
  • Drugs to improve regeneration and tissue metabolism.
  • Antiseptics.
  • Sorption agents.

Ointments have prolonged action due to a difficult absorbable by the skin composition, the cream has a medium degree of absorption, but the gels are absorbed almost instantly. Any of these units can be used along with an elastic bandage, but do not forget to wash and rinse before applying the skin surface.

Also, the doctor may prescribe tablets and medicines, which are always present vitamins. It is especially important to take vitamin C, which protects the walls of blood vessels, eliminates inflammatory processes and is responsible for the composition and quality of the blood. But it must be followed daily dose.

Conservative and surgical treatment

Under conservative treatment means medical and physiotherapy treatment. Medication consists of various types of drugs that must bear the following properties and positive effects on tissues and the organism:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Antibacterial and antiseptic if there is a risk of developing a secondary infection on the background of complications;
  • When the risk of thrombosis, drugs used to reduce blood clotting;
  • Treatment, improves tissue metabolism and accelerate the regeneration;
  • Preparations for the strengthening of vascular walls;
  • angioprotectors;
  • Phlebotonics;
  • Vitamin vehicles.

Under physiotherapy are: Amplipuls, magnetic therapy, reflexology, acupuncture, mud therapy, paraffin treatment, pearl baths and so on. It is particularly important to physical therapy to eliminate inflammation and to stabilize patient's condition.

If we talk about the surgical treatment, in this disease, when other therapies have not yielded positive results, or there are serious complications that apply:

  • Stripping, during which the affected Vienna is removed with a thin probe.
  • Microflebectomy in which varicose veins are removed through mini-incisions.
  • Phlebectomy is the traditional method of treatment of varicose veins, in which the affected areas are removed through a large incision.
  • Laser coagulation allows overgrow the lumen of veins by the action of the laser on the wall of the vessel affected by the pathology.

Laser treatment is one of the most attractive methods of surgical intervention. It gives less side effects, and also eliminates the human factor. Analogue procedures – radiofrequency coagulation.

Home remedies

Under home remedies mean in the first place folk remedies. Before applying make sure you are not allergic to certain foods, and also that this remedy is not to exacerbate an already severe pathology. The treatment of varicose veins folk remedies can be carried out with the use of decoctions, lotions and other similar procedures. For example, great tools are:

  • Garlic infusion with lemon. Passed through a meat grinder unpeeled lemon (4 pieces) and 4 heads of peeled garlic. This mixture pour 3 liters of water and insist 3 days at room temperature. Daily shake the contents for mixing. Next, strain the composition and store it in the refrigerator. Take 100 ml three times per day after or during a meal. Full course – use 4 cans of this mixture.
  • Apple cider vinegar need to RUB the affected area to improve vascular tone. To do the procedure twice a day provided that the skin is not damaged and ulcers.
  • Ulcers apply potato juice. Grind a raw potato in the form of a slurry is applied to the sores for five hours, after which the bandage is removed and the area washed.
  • A crumpled cabbage leaf tied at night to the affected area to relieve inflammation and pain.
  • The leaves and flowers of wormwood ground to a Pappy consistency, after which the diluted liquid is applied to the affected areas of the vessels. Keep for three hours, then remove and rinse the area of impact.

If you experience adverse symptoms of exposure time or number of doses is reduced or even cancelled.

Diet and power adjustment

diet for varicose veins

Daily for the health and feeding vessels consume a morning juice mixture. It can be the following ingredients:

  • Carrots, spinach, celery (10:6:3);
  • Carrots, spinach and beets (10:3:3);
  • Carrots, celery, spinach, parsley (7:4:3:2);
  • Spinach, greens with the turnip root, watercress (4:2:2).

Juice taken regularly and only in fresh form. In one day you need to drink about a pint low. Another useful analog drink varicose water Sassi, which is made from sliced lemon several mint leaves, one sliced cucumber and ginger. This mixture infuse in three pints of water, then drink throughout the day. In General the diet it is recommended to add citrus, ginger, garlic, red currants, which make up for the deficiency of vitamin C and rutin.

The causes of the disease

The causes of the disease in varicose veins are divided into several groups. The former include household factors – poor diet, lack of or excess physical activity, stress, occupational factors and so on. Another group includes such diseases and disorders that provoke the development of varicose veins:

  • Genetic predisposition;
  • Abnormalities in hormonal and endocrine systems;
  • Tumor;
  • Clots;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Nervous disorders;
  • The development of arterial-venous anastomoses.

And if with a genetic predisposition to do nothing is possible, then other factors and diseases can, if not eliminate, then enter into the stage of long-term remission. It is worth considering that simply the treatment of varicose veins and even surgical removal will not give you the guarantee that he will not develop again, especially if the cause is not eliminated.


Under the prevention first and foremost refers to exercises, which will help to prevent the development of pathology. It's enough to do 4-6 reps of the following movements twice a day:

  • Walking on the ground without taking socks from the floor;
  • Walking on eggshells;
  • Rolling from toe to heel;
  • Workout of the ankle joint in a circular motion;
  • Warm up the knee joint in a circular motion;
  • Pull your toes forward, then pull.

Remember that exercises should not cause pain or discomfort, and therefore exercise without fanaticism, and as carefully and smoothly, avoiding confabulatur feet. Can also use during the day, the elastic bandage.

You still think quickly to get rid of varicose veins hard?

Advanced stage of the disease can cause irreversible consequences, such as gangrene, blood poisoning. Often the life of a person with advanced stage can be saved only by the amputation of a limb.

In any case, you cannot run disease!